Thursday, May 12, 2011

I have to admit, I am the greatest!

I am the greatest project starter in the world!  As this blog shows I am also the greatest procrastinator!  My original plan in starting this blog was to get me out of my funk and share a bit more than I felt I could on my other blog!  Not name names so much!  My JOTB suggested that I use this blog to do like Julie and Julia and make all the sewing projects out of a book that I had just bought.  That was an awesome idea, but instead of making the projects I just started buying up the books because I loved looking at them so much---Project starter procrastination at its best!

So I am going to try to do projects out of my new stack of sewing books and showcase them here.  I am sure I will have a few posts that are me rattling on and on, but to know me is to love me!

This is my latest project, a duvet cover.  My daughter was headed back to college and so I thought what a better print than pirates!  I t was a fun project, had I stuck with the directions in the first place rather than gone off on my own, it might have been even more fun!  I finished it just days before we took her back and it looked great in her room!  I should do a pillowcase to match and I also said I would do a remote holder for the side of her bed to hold her glasses and such.  Here's to getting that done!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


A few weeks ago I had a blog address sent to me to check out.  I went to the blog and read the meanest things. The person was putting themselves on a pedestal while trashing all these other people, and not just little digs either.  I am a judgmental person, I acknowledge that and at times I embrace it, but this was horrible.  As I explained the difference to a friend who also checked out the blog, we decided that I am a light hearted judger not harsh and mean.  I am friends with some of the people that blogger was so horrible about and I was pissed!  I thought of all the things that I should do to show her how awful she is.  I gave it about a day and then realized how sad that person is and now I try harder to be a better person and friend every time I think about her.  So while she will live the rest of her life miserable and mean, I will be taking something from her grumpiness and become a better person.  Maybe eventually I can put myself on a pedestal and look down on the rest of the crowd....naw, I think I like the view from the ground!

Another incident occurred in the last few days.  I was telling a friend about a conversation with a lady at church, I was telling church lady about a girl that is less active and what I thought would help.  The lady treated me like I was an idiot and talked down to me like I was stupid.  She doesn't know the girl, I barely know the girl but I left frustrated (which is not the first time that I have talked to her and felt that way after, neither is it the second...or third for that matter).  Anyway I was relaying this story about frustrating church lady to  friend and she said something to the effect of don't waste your time on her she is never coming back to church because of blah, blah, blah.   I was shocked, I happen to know that friend has dealt with similar problems and come back to Church.  I hate it when people don't remember where they came from!  That is one of my biggest pet peeves.  I have a Brother in Law (not one any of you probably know) that was quite the wild guy.  It was all before I met him but I have heard the stories.  He is a church goer know but would be the first one to condemn another for the same stuff that he went through.  AHHHHH!!!  
I hope to never be the condemn-er, I guess it is just another thing to think about, be aware of, and improve upon.  so that is just what I will do!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Just sitting

I am just sitting here trying to find an excuse to put off going out running! It isn't a long run today, in fact it is rather short, I don't know what my problem is.  I am a bit sore from running and hiking this week but not that sore.  It is just a matter of me getting dressed and heading out.  I even slept until almost 10 this morning!  Could it be that because everyone else in the house is still asleep I think I deserve to be too?  ( one worked last night, one is sick and the last one is a teenage boy).
This is my favorite picture from the hike we went on yesterday.
It was a fun time and all 3 boys loved throwing rocks in the creeks and getting dirty climbing and writing in the dirt.  I love this because my "cool" teenager is so sweet to the little kids!
He was an awesome help and I don't think the hike would have turned out well at all if he hadn't gone!

Well, while I waited for that picture to download I got my gear on to go run.  
I am one step closer.
Now to open the door and walk out!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


I think that running is making me fatter!  It doesn't seem possible but I think it is true!  My pants all feel tight.  I feel good and most the time I feel like I am down (weight wise) but I am pretty sure I am chub a lub lubbing it!  Oh well, I can't stop now, at least I will be a fat runner, maybe when I hit 300 pounds I will be in marathon condition!  BRIGHT SIDE!!!

I am also amazed at how no matter if I work or have a day off I am still the one expected to do most of the work in the house.  I got home at 4:15 yesterday, let everyone know that I felt like I was getting sick, went running at 4:30, and guess who was the lucky one able to cook dinner.  My husband was off yesterday, daughter was off yesterday and my son knew I was working and dad wasn't so he called home "sick" from school.   Got it done!

Then today I didn't have to go to work until 6:30 p.m., husband was off, daughter was off, son made it through a whole day at school.  Guess who got to do laundry all by herself (except for daughter helping fold a load)? yep, that would be me!  I also got to nag about getting dishes done both yesterday and again today and was once again the lucky one that got to cook dinner without even an offer to help!  I went to work, husband did help me set up nets there and came to pick me up at 9 let me know that son was in bed and daughter was out with a friend and I come home to son watching a move in in MY bed and still awake at almost 10!  WTF!  I seriously needed to write those instructions out?  Oh, while I was cooking dinner the rest of the family got to go out and throw around the football.

I am working tomorrow morning and then again tomorrow evening.  Do I need to wonder who is going to finish the laundry or clean the bathrooms?  I think not.  Sometimes I really don't mind playing the part of the martyr, today it just pissed me off!  I don't know how many times in the last few weeks I have given the "If you see something that needs done then just do it" lecture.  I know it has to be quite a few times because I am getting so tired of it.  I went on a vacation a month ago and I need another already, one that includes a massage/spa package!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Surprises Everywhere!

Surprise!  I am a procrastinator.  Really nothing new (My sisters date to one of her high school formals would totally agree since he had to wait for me to finish her dress one year...oops!).  I have actually thought a few times that I need to blog, it helps me clear my mind and then I don't dwell on what I should be doing and just get things done, sometimes I get it done just so I can blog about it!

This coming Monday Will be a month since I started running.  I love it! I love feeling my body work, not so much the struggling for breath, but feeling the stretch and the burn.  I love pushing past what I thought I could do.  There are a lot of times, I could safely say most every time, that I have to talk myself into hitting my goal but I can usually go a bit further even without having to chant words of encouragement to myself.  I get to run with My husband or one of my kids at least once a week and that is always a plus, because you cant fight if you are out of breath, usually I am the only one out of breath.  I also sleep better at night knowing I have exercised, or maybe more like because I have exercised.

I have a super coach.  My Dad was once the record holder for the mile at our local stadium, he has spent the last few years with some rough health problems.  I am not sure that coaching me was what he really wanted to do but it got me going and now while I am "training" he and sister #1 walk the track which is great for them both and makes me accountable and also gives me a few cheerleaders!  I am working on a mile right now.  I haven't run an actual mile since 7th grade, so it will be quite the day when I actually get there.
A mile is 4 times around the track so the first time I went/go as far as I can with out being too winded AKA sucking air!  Each time I need to go farther than the last and then run it all out on the last lap, it ends up being about half a mile running and half a mile walking, with a cool down lap at the end.

Today I ran around the track all the way plus 100 yards the first run, walked 100, ran 300 yards, walked 300 yards and then ran a lap!  I was sucking air but I was so happy for myself, it was awesome.  When I stopped after the final lap I asked Jaide to get my water she said all she got from my incoherent mumbling was "water".

So today I am full of surprises and so proud of myself!

Friday, January 28, 2011

The bag

This is the bag I made for a girl from church.
I stayed pretty calm even when I thought I was smarter than the pattern and had to redo a few seams.
It was fun, fairly simple and I have 2 more that I need to get finished.
I guess that makes 2 projects that I have all the stuff for.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

One Day...

~One day I am actually going to figure out why my printer won't always take my camera card.
~One day I am going to deep clean my house.
~One day I am going to finish college.
~One day I am going to take out all the dead plants out of my garden.
~One day I am going to seriously buy all the supplies I need to finish a few sewing projects.
~One day I will actually make the curtains for my kitchen.
~One day I will rearrange all my closets so that I can turn one into a pantry.
~One day my son will actually learn the importance of good grades.
~One day (hopefully soon) I will go 24 hours with no yelling at my house.
~One day I will learn to play the Banjo.
~One day I will have a conversation with one of my children and they will realize when I tell them to get a job or do homework that I am not being mean.
~One day I will learn to knit.
~One day I will have the perfect day and actually realize and acknowledge it.

One day.......